Saturday, April 23, 2011

Recipe for simple good food

Ever wondered why a culinary dish right turn not, even if the recipehave followed you carefully? It is one of the frustrating, annoying things in life. The secret to a good Court lies not only in his recipe , but also in a number of other things.

For good tasting food = good reciperecipe + ingredients good + good cooking techniques

Can analyze the above equation:

1. Good recipe:

A recipe is a set of instructions on how something to do. Therefore, a food recipe is a set of instructions, such as a culinary dish. In General, a food recipe would include the following:

(a) a list of food ingredients and their quantities/proportions. An example of this would be a teaspoon of sugar (tsp). The share could be more specific, say, 5 grams of sugar. Or it could be more abstract, such as a "pinch of salt;" "a handful basil leaves." The amount/proportion, that it is less likely, in quantities errors cause the more specific uses.

(b) how detailed the processes required, the food is. Mix flour and fold in flour means two different things. Whisk egg white until soft and fluffy or whisk you protein for three minutes at high speed. Don't you think that the latter statement clearer and more specific?

2. Good ingredients:

Taste hand picked home grown vegetables really better than the store bought variety? They do with my word to you; You are for a simple reason - fresher. You make grilling fish who was swimming in the sea. Try bread with all-purpose flour instead of high-protein bread flour. She could get something that is similar to the bread, but it cut and see not the body or texture of good bread. The simple fact is, to get the best final product, which you have to start with the finest ingredients.

3. Good cooking techniques:

The examples are endless. Here's two of them:

(a) creaming is a very important process cakes make good butter. You this step wrong and your butter cake will disappoint you. Creaming brush is a method in the sugar is used to bubble cut butter to create as much air possible. Recipesay usually "sugar and butter cream to light." s To get the maximum amount of air bubbles in the fat, it must be the right texture. When the butter is to soften the sugar combines only into and get enough air bubbles. It is therefore important to maintain the temperature of the butter between 65 to 70 degrees F prior to the to box. The butter is then enough body for the sugar crystals, their work.

(b) meat is often of a stove in a pan fried toast and the most recipes Please you to do so. Well browned meat tastes good as heat to produce complex responses between certain sugars and proteins creates a flavorful crust. A technique to obtain even more taste in the meat is it oven Brown at the end of the roasting process. Come during the roasting, meat juices to the surface and evaporate. These juices have many sugars and proteins. When the juices evaporated, they leave the sugars and proteins on the surface. Turn heat the oven to 500 degrees F for the last few minutes cooking these sugars and proteins. Voila! Better tasting meat.

Little things make big differences. You now know the secrets to great tasting food. And they are well used not really secrets but practical knowledge. So, next time if a recipe which result type not desired, you can safely, there is something missing in the equation for good tasting food!

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