Friday, February 25, 2011

2 Foods that everyone like to cooking must know

A self-assured adults are is what we all want in our lives. One way to achieve this is to know how to feed and times, other.

Cooking seems like most of us a hard task, but in fact most are s easy to follow recipe. Choose your favorite is a matter of taste. Learn to cook the meals is a matter of learning to follow instructions until you have confidence to change the recipe to your working style.

The following are two foods to keep you well and fit to until you are ready move more difficult recipe s.

[1] Egg:
For the nutritional aspect there is nothing easier, to resolve as an egg. You can cook an egg frying, poaching, and baking. Breakfast always tastes better with an egg.

Simple scramble eggs: start with a small non-stick pan. Easily will it spray cooking spray. To break two eggs in a small bowl add 2 teaspoons of cold water, whip with a fork until it is usually yellow. Pour the eggs in the hot frying pan. Cook the eggs to, start free of the sides of the pan. Use a Teflon spatula, gently slid under the egg and wrinkles. Cooking a minute or more to, then you move to your plate. When making eggs, cheese, vegetables or meat an omelette to add, do so before you fold.

This simple recipe will see you from breakfast a late dinner just after what you add to your plate.
Breakfast: Add juice, hash browns and toast
Lunch: Add a hard crust roll with lettuce, tomatoes for a quick sandwich
Dinner: Add a mixed green salad, baked pork chop and fresh fruit for a healthy meal.

[2] Steak:
A good steak dinner Cook is everything in the selection and timing. First, choose a good steak. While the Ribeye and sirloin are the most popular sections, there are to consider several others. You can find a good t bone, rump or tenderloin cut in just about any food market. If you have trouble choose questions of the meat cutter for his or your advice, before you choose. You now have your steak, you need to decide, to how to cook it. Barbecue has become one of the top cooking methods, but you can fry pan grill or slow cooking a steak.

For me, grilling is easiest to cook the most meat. Be the heat on HOT and you need a gas or charcoal grill. Place will no longer take your steak on a hot or cold Grill, but it is your meat to tighten. You want your grill for approximately 500 degrees before it your meat market.

Easily brush your steak in a good vegetable oil before cooking. This helps prevent the sticking during cooking Grill and let your spices in the place to stay, the. You will know if your steak is prepared by lifting a corner to rotate. If it comes up easily turn the meat so that both sides in the meat juices can sear. After the searing to turn once again to get cooked the steak at the right temperature. Use pliers to rotate. You want no fork offset meat while it cook, is because drain juices from the hot, leave the meat tough and dry.

Rare lasts about two to four minutes on both sides, according to thickness
Medium takes 3 to 5 minutes on both sides according to thickness
Well takes four to 7 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness.

If you want to add BBQ sauce, you do so in the last 2 minutes. It will burn or Added to your steak to have a brunt taste if earlier. To finish of your meal, toss together some fresh vegetables and add a good vinaigrette dressing.

Serve either these foods will not only keep your body moving but to impress your guests with your cooking skills.

I want to visit http://www you for more tips, ideas and recipes for living better with less.

Faylee James is a life coach/writer from NE Tennessee, one above has called average interest people, cooking and living life with a smile.


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